Integrating Talanoa Technique and Performative Mode in visual story telling
Fadli Razak

As in Emphasis by Mustaffa 2013, photography is similar to the language or written words which considered as a fundamental medium of communication. Photography exists in various genres of different functions. The photography field especially digital photography that dominating the world today is a combination of art and technical skill that is seen giving many contributions to other fields like business, science, arts, sports, medical and so on. With the availability of reference materials such as video and print media it is possible to provide continuity of their ancestor’s stories (storytellers) of their people, and eventually maintaining the originality of their visual arts (Fadli Abdul Razak,2013).
"From the educational point of view, the theory will be a guideline that can be adapted to image-makers in another process of documentation. The mix of Talanoa and Performative mode as a New Alternative method of data collection in Photojournalism study"
Talanoa is now a contemporary qualitative tool that emphasize more on connecting people through story telling. It requires the involvement of an insider who plays a very critical role as an embodied expression of the venue (informed) concept (Rochelle et. a, 2017). This provides the advantage of studying the community behavior qualitatively in different ways which are Talanoa, Focus Group and an In-Depth Semi Structured interview.
Performative mode: Performative documentaries focus on the involvement with their subject, using his or her personal experience or relationship with the subject as a jumping-off point for exploring larger, subjective truths about politics, history, or groups of people. This performative mode was relevant to build the trust between the community and the researcher.

An ethnographic approach will be implemented, where the researcher will be visiting and living with the community over a period of one year of active participant-observation.
The combination technique was involved in this getting data “Talanoa and Performative Mode”.
A researcher is often asked to capture the documentary production process, as well as intimate footage that illustrates the direct and often personal relationship between researcher and subject.
There are several steps of conducting Talanoa technique:
Phase 1 : Conception-collaborating with the insider from the community. The person will definitely be the member of the team research.
The insider will be chosen from community based on their familiarity on language.
Step 1: Chosen insider from community
Step 2: Get help from the insider to call for a discussion or dialog with other community.
Step 4: Researcher and insider will conduct a dialog and discussion related to issue discuss in this research.
Phase 2: Presenting the appreciation to the insider with respect to the protocols and values.
Phase 3: The Process of power sharing in completing the research and finally
Step 5: Consolidate and Summarize the overall finding with community.
Step 6: Summarize with insider about the finding.
Phase 4: Reporting/Analysis/Writing which again need to be verified by Talanoa and to check what the research had learned.
Step 7: Analyze and validate the finding with insider.
Town hall or discussion or dialogue with \community (several ethnics) has also been suggested for the current study as it does needs collective discussion amongst the community that have been chosen as the respondents. This is very much suitable when resources are limited when investigating coping behavior among people. This would again involve the following stages as proposed Nyumbai et. al (2017):
Stage 1: Defining the goals of the study, whereby, Talanoa approach could help more here.
Stage 2: Data collection, which focus on the preparation of town hall style of discussion.
Stage 3: Focus on data analysis by using Thematic Analysis and finally, stage.
Stage 4: Reporting.