AM Studio

Established in 2015, A.M Studio is the acronym of a namesake, ‘Azim Mahayudin Studio’. Based in Puchong where we stand at the intersection of many businesses, A.M Studio is a 2-level studio that represents many creatives that include photographers, videographers, and retouchers.
Our works are known to be of many ranges – corporate headshots, commercials, set designing, but most prominently fashion & beauty photography and videography. Our focused deliverables translate with the list of clientele such as Alia Bastamam, Havaianas, Skechers, Ariani, Mimpikita, Alhumaira, Naelofar Hijab, and Fizi Woo.
Industrial placement students will go through multiple experiences such as working in a fast-paced environment, critical thinking & finding solutions, set building, and assisting photo/videographers on set.