As I walked through the crowded streets of the city, my eyes were drawn to a small food stall with a woman behind it. She was Aunty Lee, a cancer survivor who was living in poverty. Despite her struggles, she worked tirelessly at her food stall during the day and scoured the streets for recyclables at night to make ends meet.

I introduced myself to Aunty Lee, and she welcomed me with a warm smile. As I spoke with her, I could see the determination in her eyes. She told me about her battle with cancer and how it had left her with mounting medical bills that she could not pay. She had no choice but to work two jobs to support herself.
The food stall was her main source of income, but it was not enough to cover her expenses. She shared with me that she often had to resort to picking up recyclables at night to earn a few extra ringgits. She was not ashamed of her situation, but rather proud of her hard work and resourcefulness.

I followed Aunty Lee as she went about her day, capturing images of her preparing food and serving customers. Her energy was infectious, and her customers clearly appreciated her delicious food and friendly demeanor. As night fell, I accompanied her on her nightly scavenger hunt for recyclables. I watched as she carefully sorted through piles of trash, searching for anything that could be recycled.

Aunty Lee shared heartfelt stories about her beloved family and the harrowing journey of surviving cancer, her eyes filled with emotion as she recounted her struggles and triumphs.

In one photo, Aunty Lee is seen sitting in her small, cramped apartment. The walls are weathered and there are no curtains on the windows. Yet, despite her surroundings, she wears a brave face as she talks about her daily routine. Aunty Lee shares how she gets up early each morning, carefully sets up and prepares her stall with fresh ingredients, utensils, and a warm smile, ready to serve her loyal customers.

After a grueling day, Aunty Lee collapsed onto her messy bed, her exhausted body sinking into the softness of the worn mattress as she drifted off to sleep.

‘Through my photographs, Aunty Lee’s story comes to life. She is a woman of strength and resilience, who continues to fight for a better life despite the odds. Her story is a reminder of the human spirit’s unbreakable will to survive and thrive, even in the face of great adversity.’
Despite her difficult circumstances, Aunty Lee remained positive and hopeful. Her story was a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. As I left her on the last night of my assignment, I knew that I had witnessed something truly special. Aunty Lee was a fighter, a survivor, and an inspiration to all who knew her.
It's such a heartwarming and sad story behind the picture. The emotion could be felt through every picture that was taken. The details, etc are impeccable. I am a student of engineering and truthfully I was amazed by the photography course.